
Christian Education opportunities are available for all to grow in faith and relationship with God and each other.

Programs marked with an asterisk (*) can be accessed by Zoom, meaning you can join us from wherever you are or even if you’re feeling under the weather! Please contact Hosanna’s Education Director (link to contact) for the Zoom link or to receive more info about our education programs.

Sunday School*

Children from age 3 to grade 6 gather together to learn about God’s love – and have fun at the same time! We meet Sunday mornings after worship service (from about 11:00 – 12:00 am) from early September – early May. Special activities are planned throughout the year including making videos and participating as leaders for worship.


We offer weekly classes for those seeking to deepen and grow their faith with a focus on how we might live the faith that we are gifted with by the Holy Spirit. Topics include: the Bible, Martin Luther, the Small Catechism, the Creeds, the Ten Commandments, and prayer.

Adult Forum*

Hear guest speakers and discuss topical issues on a variety of subjects. Adult forums take place once a month after service at 11:10.

Thursday Morning Bible Study*

Meets weekly at 10:00 am to study the readings for the upcoming Sunday. This study has it all: prayer, fellowship, open discussion, conversation and the opportunity to get to know the Bible and each other a little better!

Women’s Bible Study*

An opportunity for women of all ages to get together to study the Bible, to get to know each other better and to support each other in our faith journeys. Meets monthly (usually the second Friday evening of the month at 7:30). 


Check out our library in the Social Room for some good reads including fiction, devotional and inspirational books, resource books, reference, etc.  Children’s books are also available for you to borrow. We operate on the honour system so please return materials promptly in order that others may have a chance to use them as well.  Devotional materials are available on the black counter in the narthex. Come check them out!