Where is Hosanna located?

Hosanna is located at 9009-163 Street Edmonton Alberta, right across the street from the Jasper Place sports centre and Jasper Place High School.

How do I contact Hosanna?

Contact us by phone or email.

Phone: 780-484-3932

Email: office@hosannalutheran.ab.ca

What church body does Hosanna belong to?

We are a congregation of The Synod of Alberta and the Territories, which belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC).

When is the church office open?

Normal office hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM-3:30 PM. A phone call to the office before you come is always a good idea; the office phone number is  780-484-3932.  Ring the doorbell that’s beside our front door if the door is locked.

Who can I talk to if I want to become a member of Hosanna?

Anyone is welcome at Hosanna, and you need not be a member to worship or take part in any of our activities. Becoming a member, though, is like moving from one who is a welcome guest to becoming a member of the family. If you wish to become a member, simply contact the office or speak to our pastor.

Is space available at Hosanna for use by community groups?

You bet! Contact the office for more information.

How can I volunteer?

Please contact the church office. They would love to help you find the opportunity you are looking for.

How can I speak to a pastor?

Make an appointment to speak to a pastor by phoning the church office.